The more expensive tier gives you all of the old Nitro perks, plus access to a library of games, sixty at present but with more coming later. Previously a $5 monthly sub to enable some minor perks on Discord (including high-res, 60fps screen-sharing), the old package is still available but a new $10 option seems to be the default. The store's most interesting part (for me, at least) is the Nitro subscription.

The store does launch with a handful of exclusives, including micro-RTS Bad North (which Matt gushed over previously) and the Souls-inspired boss rush Sinner: Sacrifice For Redemption, also due to debut via the Xbox Game Pass this week. If you've got Discord installed, all you should need to do is close and re-open it to have the 'Store' tab appear, nestled gently between 'Library' and 'Friends.' Prices seem automatically adjusted at a reasonable rate to your local currency ($15 translates to £11.39 at present), and you can use credit cards or Paypal. Still, the upgraded Nitro subscription service - now including access to a library of games - might be worth a look for gaming on the cheap. A few temporary exclusives aside ( Sinner: Sacrifice for Redemption and Bad North seem noteworthy), it seems largely what you'd expect from a modern games storefront. The gaming-centric multi-chat service just launched its integrated game store, albeit in beta. Another day, another place to buy and launch your games from, although Discord does has the advantage of already being on a huge number of PCs.